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Hong Kong Company Secretary and Registered Office Services

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Hong Kong Company Secretary and Registered Office Services

Unless otherwise indicated, the private company mentioned anywhere in this quotation refers to a private company limited by shares incorporated in accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622 of Hong Kong laws).


In accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, every company incorporated in Hong Kong must have a company secretary who will perform a variety of tasks crucial to the smooth running of the company and ensure that the company’s statutory obligations are complied with.

A Hong Kong registered company is also required to maintain a registered office for the purpose of maintaining statutory records of the company and receipt of acknowledging government's correspondences.  The registered address must be a local physical address and cannot be a PO Box.

Our fees for providing the nominee company secretary are USD440 per annum. We will provide a local company to act as company secretary for client’s Hong Kong company and filing Annual Return when and as it falls due.

Our fees for providing registered office are USD340 per annum. Kaizen will provide a Hong Kong street address to be used as registered office and bank mailing address by client’s Hong Kong company. Kaizen will also forward client’s government and bank mails on a regular basis.

Company Secretary

Qualification for Company Secretary

The Hong Kong Companies Ordinance requires that only the following persons are eligible to be appointed as Company Secretary of a Hong Kong private company:
Hong Kong ordinary resident over the age of 18; or
Hong Kong registered company; or
Company registered outside Hong Kong but has a place of business in Hong Kong.

Our Nominee Company Secretary Services

We provide a company secretarial service to ensure that these important statutory requirements are fulfilled, leaving the day to day running of the company to the directors. We ensure that all the company’s statutory requirements are met, including the filing of the accounts and annual returns (subject to the receipt of all requisite documents).

In particular, our Nominee Company Secretary Services are limited to:
Acting as Company Secretary of your Hong Kong company;
Preparation and filing of Annual Return;
Renewal of Business Registration Certificate;
Filing of documents at the Companies Registry including changes of registered office and secretary;
Updating and maintenance of statutory registers

Our Service Fee

Our fee for providing a Hong Kong local resident or a local company to act as Company Secretary of your Hong Kong and providing the related services listed in Section (2) above is USD440 per annum. Our annual retainer for acting as company secretary also covers the Annual Return statutory filing of USD14.

For dormant company, our fee for provision of nominee company secretary is USD220 per annum.

Registered Office

Requirement of Registered Office

Under Section 92 (1) of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance, every Hong Kong company must maintain a registered office in Hong Kong. The purpose of the registered office serves as place for maintaining statutory records of the company and receipt of acknowledging government's correspondences.  The registered address must be a local physical address and cannot be a PO Box.

Our Registered Office Services

Kaizen provides customized registered office service to clients who want to set up a company in Hong Kong but do not intend to have a physical office space in Hong Kong.  This service conforms to the definition of "Registered Address" under the Companies Ordinance, facilitates formation of Hong Kong companies for overseas clients, and helps clients to promote their identity and reduce the costs at the same time.

Kaizen’s registered office services are detailed below:
Provide a Hong Kong street address as registered office address for company registration and bank account opening purpose;
Handling mails and parcels and notifying by email.

Our Service Fee

Our fee for providing a Hong Kong street address to be used as the registered office for your Hong Kong company and related services, as detailed in (2) above, are USD340 per annum. Postage or courier charges for mail forwarding will be billed separately.

For dormant company, our fees are USD170 per annum only.

If you wish to obtain more information or assistance, please visit the official website of Kaizen CPA Limited at www.kaizencpa.com or contact us through the following and talk to our professionals:
Email: info@kaizencpa.com,  enquiries@kaizencpa.com
Tel: +852 2341 1444
Mobile : +852 5616 4140, +86 152 1943 4614
WhatsApp/ Line/ Wechat: +852 5616 4140
Skype: kaizencpa

Download: Hong Kong Company Secretary and Registered Office Services[PDF]






