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Corporate Service - Hong Kong


Frequently Asked Questions about Connected Entity in Hong Kong

All entities with profits chargeable to Profits Tax in Hong Kong may qualify for the two-tiered profits tax rates, except those with a connected entity which is nominated to be chargeable at the two-tiered rates. The following are frequently asked questions about connected entity in Hong Kong:
Q: How is an ‘entity’ defined?
A: An entity means:
1. A natural person;
2. A body of persons; or
3. A legal arrangement, including a corporation, a partnership and a trust

Q: What is the meaning of a connected entity?
A: An entity is a connected entity of another entity if:
1. one of them has control over the other; or
2. both of them are under the control of the same entity; or
3. both of them are sole proprietorship business carried on by the same person.

Q: If I and my spouse own 50% shareholding of corporation A and corporation B separately. Are corporation A and corporation B defined as connected entities?
A: No, as neither you nor your spouse has control over corporation A and corporation B. They are not connected entities. Both entities qualify for the two-tiered profits tax rates.

Q: What if I wholly own a sole-proprietorship A and my spouse wholly owns corporation B. Are they connected entities?
A: They are not connected entities even sole-proprietorship A is controlled by you and corporation B is controlled by your spouse. Both entities qualify for the two-tiered profits tax rates.

Q: What if a taxpaying entity incorrectly declares in its tax return that it has no connected entity or that no other connected entity has made an election for the two-tiered profits tax rates?
A: Heavy penalties may be imposed for making an incorrect return without a reasonable excuse. Additional assessments will be raised in accordance with the provisions of the Inland Revenue Ordinance on the taxpaying entity on the basis that the two-tiered profits tax rates do not apply.




