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Corporate Service - Taiwan


How to Apply for Dependent Supplements to Unemployment Benefits

Q: Does the right to claim unemployment benefits have a time limit?
  1. Insured individuals must register for job-seeking and apply for unemployment benefits at a public employment service institution within 2 years after leaving their job and canceling their insurance.
  2. Those continuing to claim unemployment benefits must apply for requalification of unemployment within 2 years from the day following the last date of the previous unemployment benefit period.

Q: After the implementation of the amendments to the Employment Insurance Act, who is eligible to claim unemployment benefits for up to 9 months?
A: Employment insurance beneficiaries who involuntarily leave their job and care either over the age of 45 at the time of leaving or possess a disability certificate issued by the competent social affairs authority are eligible to claim unemployment benefits for up to 9 months (for individuals with disabilities, a disability certificate issued by the competent social affairs authority must be provided).
Q: What conditions must unemployed workers meet to apply for dependent family member allowance or subsidies? How much can be added?
A: Unemployed workers who are receiving unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowances and are supporting parents, spouses, minor children, or children with disabilities with no employment income, can apply for an additional allowance. For each dependent supported, an additional 10% of the insured person’s average monthly insured salary for the six months prior to leaving their job will be added, up to a maximum of 20%.
For example, if Mr. Zhang’s average monthly insured salary is NTD 30,000, and he supports two dependents, his original unemployment benefit was NTD 18,000 (30,000 x 60%). He can now receive an additional 20%, which is NTD 6,000 (30,000 x 10% x 2); therefore, the total unemployment benefit and additional dependent allowance he can receive is NTD 24,000 (which is 80% of the average monthly insured salary).

Q: How should one apply for the dependent family member allowance or subsidy?
  1. Unemployed workers should provide information about their dependents in the “Employment Insurance Unemployment (Re-)Qualification, Unemployment Benefit Application, and Payment Receipt” or “Employment Insurance Vocational Training Living Allowance Application and Payment Receipt” when they go to a public employment service institution to apply for unemployment (re-)qualification or vocational training living allowances. They must also submit relevant proof documents. The employment service station will enter this data and, upon completion of the unemployment qualification or re-qualification, or when recommending vocational training, will transmit the qualifying trainee and dependent information along with the applicant’s information to the Bureau of Labor Insurance.
  2. The relevant proof documents refer to copies of the household registration book of the dependents or other copies of identity proof documents. For children with disabilities, a disability certificate issued by the competent social affairs authority should be attached.

Q: Can one apply for dependent family member unemployment benefits or vocational training living allowances for minor stepchildren?
A: According to Employment Insurance Act Article 19 Section 1, the term “dependents” refers to parents, spouses, minor children, or children with disabilities who are supported by the insured person and have no employment income. The dependent children referred to must be children born within a marriage or legally adopted children as defined by Taiwan’s Civil Code, excluding stepchildren who have not been adopted in accordance with these legal provisions.




