China Company Registration Package #FICE102 - Shanghai Trading Company Registration and Bank Account Opening When a foreign investor (both corporation and individual) intend to carry out trading business in Shanghai, China, including wholesale/distribution an...
Shenzhen FICE Registration Package #SZLLC03 (Import and Export Business) This package is applicable to the case where a Hong Kong registered company applies to registration a limited liability company in Shenzhen, China for the purpose of carrying out genera...
Hong Kong CLG Incorporation Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the CLG stated in this quotation refers to a company limited by guarantee (guarantee company) incorporated in Hong Kong in accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. This fee ...
Change of Company Secretary of your Hong Kong Company We receive numerous requests on a consistent basis to take over the role as appointed corporate/company secretary secretary for companies incorporated by other secretarial practices due to the following re...
Non-Hong Kong Company and Bank Account Package This Non-Hong Kong company and bank account package comes with authorized representative and registered office services for one year, and also the opening of a corporate account in Hong Kong in the name of the No...
Hong Kong RO Registration Procedures and Fees When a foreign company intends to set up a physical presence in Hong Kong for the purposes of marketing search and development and/or liaison with suppliers and customers, it could choose to set up a representativ...