Deregistration for Shenzhen Branch- Procedures and Fees Summary The quotation applies to situations where a WFOE intends to liquidate and deregister its branch registered in Shenzhen and that no special licence or permit is involved. Our fees for handling t...
Change of Registered Address for Shenzhen Branch - Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and ...
Change of Principal for Shenzhen Branch-Procedures and Fees Summary This quotation applies to situations where a WFOE’s branch registered in Shenzhen intends to change the principal and that no special license or permit or other change is required. Our fee...
Change of Name for Shenzhen Branch-Procedures and Fees Summary The quotation applies to situations where a WFOE’s branch registered in Shenzhen intends to change its name and that no special licence or permit or other change is required. Our fees for handl...
Singapore Company Share Transfer Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the company mentioned anywhere in this quotation refers to a private company limited by shares incorporated in accordance with the Singapore Companies Act 2006. Our fees for han...
Shenzhen WFOE Director or Supervisor Change Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and the rel...
Change of Company Name for Shenzhen Service WFOE - Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law ...
Change of Business Scope for Shenzhen WFOE - Procedures and Fees Unless otherwise indicated, the WFOE mentioned in this quotation refer to a limited liability company formed and registered in Shenzhen, China in accordance with the China Company Law and the re...
Fees and Procedures for Setting up a Catering Service WFOE in Beijing Unless otherwise indicated, the foreign owned catering service company mentioned in this quotation refers to a limited liability company formed and registered in Beijing, China in accordanc...
Fees and Procedures for Setting up a Foreign Invested Human Resources Enterprise in Beijing Unless otherwise indicated, the foreign invested human resources service company mentioned in this quotation refers to a limited liability company formed and registere...