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Taiwan Limited Company Registration Q&A 36

Q: How many companies can be registered under a business address?
A: The Company Act does not stipulate regarding the headquarter and branch register in the same address or more than 2 companies with the same business nature register in the same address.

Q: What is the minimum paid up capital of a company?
A: There is no minimum requirement for paid up capital.

Q: Is it necessary to add the company representative’s name on the bank book of the company’s preparatory bank account which will be sent for company registration?
A: It is not necessary to add the name of the company representative on the bank book. The company’s preparatory bank account name can be “XXX Company”, “XXX Company + Name of company representative”, “Preparatory of XXX Company”, “Preparatory of XXX Company + Name of company representative”.

Q: How does a limited company pay for employees’ compensations?
A: According to the Company Act Article 235 Paragraph 1 Item 5, even though a company limited can pay for employees’ compensations in terms of shares, however it is not applicable to limited company, therefore limited company shall pay for employees’ compensations in terms of cash.

Q: Can the manage and the company presentative be the same person if a limited company set up a branch?
A: The Company Act has no restriction on the presentative and branch manager being the same person.




