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Taiwan Limited Company Registration Q&A 27

Q: For the company name reservation for a limited company. If the application is approved, how many months is the retention period from the date of approval?
A: The retention period is 6 months, but before the expiration of the period, you can apply for an extension of the reservation. The extension period is one month and is limited to one time.

Is that possible to use same characters on the company name of a limited company?
The company name cannot contain a series of four or more of the same character or two or more characters of the same phrase.

For the scope of business for company, can it only put “All business items that are not prohibited or restricted by law, except those that are subject to special approval”?
No, it cannot. The scope of business of a company should be filled with the code and business type in according to the code the business type table announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It cannot only be shown the code and business item of the “All business items that are not prohibited or restricted by law, except those that are subject to special approval”.

What are the circumstances that the limited company cannot apply for the reservation of business names and business scopes?
Offending against public order or good customs;
It is professional service scope of specialized technicians;
The business is not operated by a profit-seeking enterprise;
Can only be operated by the government pursuant to the laws;
Subject to provisions otherwise prescribed by laws and regulations.

If a businessperson operates in the business category which is not approved, what is the penalty on it?
For those who fails to complete the application within the time limit notified by the tax authority, will be fined for TWD 1,500 to TWD 15,000 in accordance with the Article 46-1 of the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act. It is in continuous punishment for each violation until compliance is met according to the relevant laws and regulations.




