Taiwan Company – Business Items
Q: | How can I determine if the business I am operating requires approval from the competent authority before company registration? How can I find out which authority grants the approval? |
A: |
The business activities of a company are registered based on the subcategory codes stipulated in the “Regulations Governing Review of Applications for Reservation of Corporate Names and Business Scopes” issued by MOEA. If the last digit of the code is “1”, it indicates that approval from the relevant competent authority must be obtained before proceeding with the company registration process. |
Q: | Is there a limit on the number of business items that can be registered? |
A: |
There is no limit on the number of business items. However, it is recommended to register only those items that are relevant to the actual operations of the company. |
Q: | Will the order of registered business items affect actual operations? |
A: |
No, it will not. Typically, the primary business activities are listed first, followed by secondary business activities. |
Q: | Is the registration of business items related to tax rates? |
A: |
According to the principle of substance over form in taxation, regardless of the type of business items registered with the competent authority, the actual economic activities of the company will determine the applicable tax rates. |
Q: | Can business items be added after the company registration? |
A: |
Yes, a company can apply to add business items with the competent authority after registration, based on its actual operational needs. |