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Corporate Service - Taiwan


How to Claim for Parental Leave Allowances

Q: I have applied for parental leave allowances, when will I receive the allowance?
A: Parental leave allowances are proceeded monthly. Each period is reviewed at the beginning of the month (the first period starts from the date the parental leave begins; however, if the application is submitted after the start date of the leave, the review will commence upon receipt of the application). If the application meets all the necessary requirements, the payment will be transferred to the designated financial institution account within 15 working days.
For example, if the parental leave period is from June 1 to November 30, the payment schedule will vary based on the submission date:
  1. If the application is submitted before the start of the parental leave on June 1: If approved by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, the first period’s allowance (from June 1 to June 30) will be paid within 15 working days starting from June 1. The second period’s allowance (from July 1 to July 31) will be paid within 15 working days starting from July 1, and so on.
  2. If the application is submitted after the start of the parental leave on June 1: If approved by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, the first period’s allowance (from June 1 to June 30) will be paid within 15 working days from the date of receipt by the Bureau. The second period’s allowance (from July 1 to July 31) will be paid within 15 working days starting from July 1, and so on.

Q: When should I apply for parental leave allowances?
A: Applicants must first complete the parental leave procedures with their insured unit in accordance with the Genter Equality in Employment Act before applying for the allowance. The right to claim parental leave allowance is valid for 2 years. If the application meets all the necessary requirements, this right will expire if not exercised within 2 years from the date it becomes eligible for claim.

Q: If both parents are insured persons, can they claim the parental leave allowance at the same time?
A: Yes, since January 18, 2022, if both parents are insured persons and meet the eligibility criteria, they can claim the parental leave allowance at the same time. For one child, each parent can claim up to 6 months of allowances, totaling a maximum of 12 months combined.

Q: If an insured person is on parental leave and raising twins, can they claim parental leave allowances for both children at the same time?
A: No, if an insured person meets the eligibility criteria and is raising two or more children simultaneously, they can only claim the allowance for one child at a time. Separate applications must be submitted consecutively without overlapping periods. The insured person should first apply for the parental leave allowance for one child at the start of the leave, and after receiving the 6-month allowance for the child, they can then apply for the allowance for the other child.

Q: If I gave birth to a second child while on parental leave for my first child, can I continue to claim parental leave allowances?
A: If the insured person has terminated their insurance during the period of claiming parental leave allowances for the first child, they cannot continue to claim the allowance for the second child, as the second childbirth occurs outside the valid insurance period. However, if the insured person chooses to remain enrolled in labor insurance and employment insurance while claiming allowances for the first child, and then gives birth to a second child during this period, they can continue to claim the allowance for the second child, provided all eligibility requirements are met.




