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Corporate Service - Taiwan


Establishment of a Company in Taiwan – Suspension of Business

Q: What business scope can a branch office engage in?
A: Branch office refers to a unit that is controlled by the head office. The business scope shall be corresponsive with or less than the business items of the head office.

Q: Which authority handles the application for suspension and resumption of business?
A: To facilitate the application for suspension and resumption of business registration, if the suspension has already been approved by the Department of Commerce or the National Taxation Bureau, there is no need to duplicate the registration with the company registration authority.

Q: When should a company apply for suspension and resumption of business?
A: A company that intends to suspend the business for more than one month should apply for suspension registration before the suspension, and for resumption registration before resuming business. However, this does not apply to companies that have already reported and obtained approval in accordance with the Value-added and Non-value-added Business Tax Act.

Q: What is the application period for business suspension?
A: The application can be submitted within 15 days before or after the suspension period. Each suspension period must not exceed more than a year. The application form must clearly state the start and end of the suspension.

Q: Is there any restriction for applying for a suspension of business?
A: The application is required to be submitted within one year without the restriction of times of suspension.




