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Corporate Service - Taiwan


Taiwan Company- Final Report

What is the final report?
Each company is required to make the financial statement within 2 months at the end of each fiscal year (the date is on 15th April at the next year for company to adapt the calendar year) and submit the business report and financial statement to the shareholder, partner, or investor for acknowledgement within 6 months.

Is it necessary for companies and firms to make the final report?
All profit-seeking enterprises which abide by the Business Registration Act, Company Act and other related regulations shall make the final report.

Is it required for Taiwan branch office to make the final report as well?
Due to Taiwan branch office which is established in accordance with the foreign laws to register, it is required for branch office within the territory of Taiwan to generate the financial statement which shall be audited by a certified accountant and combine into the financial statement of head office for proceeding the procedure of final report based on the laws of country where the head office is registered.

What is the final report for?
A: The purpose of final report is to make the investor understand the condition of management clearly. From the angle of company, finishing the procedure of final report is the responsible person and accountant-in-charge to fulfill the responsibilities of accounting affairs at each fiscal year, but if there would be any illegal action caught up, the responsibility is still be assumed by each party.

What types of statements are affiliated as final reports?
A: Final reports are the required documents for each company and firm to generate at each end of fiscal year. These reports are required to be acknowledged and approved by the meeting of shareholders. The statements as below:
  1. Business Report
  2. Financial Report (Including balance sheet, profit-and-loss statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, accumulated profit-and-loss statement, or profit-or-loss appropriation.)
  3. Surplus Earnings Distribution or Loss Make-up Proposals




