According to Internal Revenue Service (IRS), all business entities must file an income tax return on or before the following April 15th (Corporation) or March 15th (LLC) of the tax year, or Oct 15th (Corporation) or Sep 15th (LLC) with extension, if calendar year is applied on tax purpose. However, the business entity must pay the tax due in full no later than the original due date for filing its tax return (not including extensions). Interest and penalty will be charged on taxes paid late even if an extension of time to file is granted.
Sales tax is a tax imposed upon sales or lease of tangible personal property and certain services rendered within Wyoming. The use tax generally applies to the storage, use, or other consumption in Wyoming of goods purchased from retailers in transactions not subject to the sales tax. Use tax may also apply to purchases shipped to a Wyoming consumer from another state, including purchases made by mail order, telephone, or Internet.
If the business entities have employees and pay wages in U.S., they must report income and payroll taxes withheld from their employees to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) periodically. The business entities are also responsible for filing and paying Social and Medicare Taxes (employer share amount) and Federal Unemployment Taxes. Employers in Wyoming are required to contribute to Unemployment Insurance Tax (UI). There is no state withholding tax for Wyoming.
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