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Corporate Service - China


Q&A Regarding New Company Law of China (34)

Q: How do companies issue corporate bonds that can be converted into shares?
A: A joint stock limited company may, upon a resolution of the board of shareholders, or upon a resolution of the board of directors upon the company's articles of association and authorization of the board of shareholders, issue corporate bonds that can be converted into shares, and specify the specific conversion method. A listed company issuing corporate bonds that can be converted into shares shall be registered with the securities regulatory body under The State Council.

Q: What should be listed on corporate bonds that can be converted into shares?
A: When issuing convertible corporate bonds that can be converted into shares, the words "convertible corporate bonds" should be indicated on the bonds, and the amount of convertible corporate bonds should be listed in the list of bondholders.

Q: How is the company's financial system determined?
Q: The company shall establish its own financial and accounting system in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the financial department under The State Council.

Q: Does the company need an audit every year?
A: The company shall prepare financial accounting reports at the end of each fiscal year and have them audited by an accounting firm in accordance with the law.

Q: How should the company's annual financial accounting report be handled?
A: A limited liability company shall submit its financial and accounting reports to its shareholders within the time limit stipulated in its articles of association. The financial and accounting reports of a joint stock limited company shall be made available to the Company for inspection by the shareholders 20 days prior to the convening of the annual meeting of the shareholders. A joint stock limited company that publicly issues shares shall publish its financial and accounting reports.




