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Corporate Service - China


Q&A Regarding New Company Law of China (33)

Q: Are corporate bonds registered bonds?
A: Corporate bonds shall be registered bonds.

Q: What does a company need to prepare for issuing corporate bonds?
A: A company issuing corporate bonds shall prepare a register of bondholders.

Q: What contents are included in the register of bondholders?
A: The contents of the corporate bond issuance method shall specify the following main matters:
  1. The name and address of the bondholder;
  2. The date on which the bondholder acquired the bonds and the bond number;
  3. The total amount of bonds, the face value, interest rate, repayment period and method of principal and interest of the bonds;
  4. The issuance date of the bond.

Q: Can corporate bonds be transferred?
A: Corporate bonds can be transferred, and the transfer price shall be agreed between the assignor and the assignee. The transfer of corporate bonds shall comply with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations.

Q: What does the company need to do after the transfer of corporate bonds?
A: Corporate bonds are transferred by bondholders through endorsement or other methods stipulated by laws and administrative regulations; After the transfer, the company shall record the name and address of the transferee in the register of bondholders of the company.




