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Corporate Service - China


Q&A Regarding New Company Law of China (32)

Q: What are corporate bonds?
A: Corporate bonds refer to valuable securities issued by a company that agree to repay principal and interest on schedule.

Q: How are corporate bonds issued?
A: Corporate bonds can be issued publicly or privately.

Q: What should a company do when issuing bonds publicly?
A: The public issuance of corporate bonds shall be registered with the securities regulatory authority under the State Council and the methods for raising corporate bonds shall be announced.

Q: What are the contents of the corporate bond issuance method?
A: The contents of the corporate bond issuance method shall specify the following main matters:
  1. Company name;
  2. The purpose of raising funds through bonds;
  3. The total amount of bonds and the face value of the bonds;
  4. The method of determining bond interest rates;
  5. The deadline and method for repaying principal and interest;
  6. Bond guarantee situation;
  7. The issuance price and start and end dates of bonds;
  8. Net assets of the company;
  9. The total amount of corporate bonds issued but not yet due;
  10. Underwriting institutions for corporate bonds.

Q: What content should be included on corporate bonds issued by a company in paper form?
A: If a company issues corporate bonds in paper form, it shall indicate the company name, face value, interest rate, repayment period, and other details on the bonds, and have them signed by the legal representative and stamped by the company.




