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Corporate Service - Taiwan


Taiwan Limited Company by Shares -Registration Notice

Q: Is it possible for individual shareholder to establish a limited company by shares in Taiwan?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: Can individual shareholder appoint only one director and not set up a board of directors?
A: Yes, it is, but it must be specified in the articles of incorporation.

Q: How are the government fees for company registration calculated?
A: The government fees are calculated by dividing the amount of paid-up capital by 4,000. If the result is less than TWD1,000, a minimum fee of TWD1,000 will be charged.

Q: Does an individual shareholder need to convene a promoter meeting?
A: No, it is not necessary. However, the articles of incorporation must be stamped with both the company’s seal and the responsible person’s seal to certify that they were established by the corporate shareholder.

Q: When establishing a limited company by shaes, is the original consent letter from director required?
A: No, a photocopy is acceptable.




