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Corporate Service - China


Q&A Regarding New Company Law of 2024 (24)

Q: How often does the board of supervisors of a joint stock limited company hold meetings?
A: The board of supervisors of a joint stock company shall meet at least once every six months. The supervisor may propose a temporary meeting of the board of supervisors.

Q: What are the methods of discussion and voting procedures of the board of supervisors of a joint stock limited company?
A: Same to a limited liability company, the resolution of the board of supervisors shall be passed by a majority of all supervisors.
The voting on the resolutions of the Board of supervisors shall be one person, one vote.
The board of supervisors shall prepare meeting minutes of the decisions on the items discussed, and the supervisors present at the meeting shall sign the meeting minutes.

Q: Can a joint stock limited company not have a board of supervisors?
A: Same to a limited liability company, a joint stock limited with a small scale or a small number of shareholders may not have a board of supervisors but have one director who shall exercise the functions and powers of the board of supervisors as provided for in the Company Law; There may also be no supervisors with the unanimous consent of all shareholders.

Q: What kinds of shares are issued by a joint stock limited?
A: All the shares of the company, according to the provisions of the articles of association to choose one option to use denomination shares or non-denomination shares.

Q: What is the difference between denomination shares and non-denomination shares?
A: If denomination shares are used, the amount of each share is equal. If non-denomination shares are used, more than half of the proceeds from the issuance of shares shall be included in the registered capital.




