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Corporate Service - Taiwan


Taiwan Limited Company by Shares – Shareholders Meeting

Q: What types of shareholder meetings are there?
A: There are two types of shareholder meetings:
  1. Annual General Meeting, which is convened at least once a year.
  2. Extraordinary General Meeting, which is convened as necessary.

Q: When should shareholder meetings be held?
A: The Annual General Meeting should be held within six months after the end of each fiscal year. However, this requirement may be waived if there is a valid reason that is approved by the competent authority.

Q: When should shareholders be notified of the convening of a shareholders’ meeting?
A: For the Annual General Meeting, shareholders must be notified at least 20 days in advance; for the Extraordinary General Meeting, shareholders must be notified at least 10 days in advance.

Q: Can shareholders proceed electronic voting for shareholder meetings?
A: When convening a shareholders’ meeting, a company may allow shareholders to vote by written or electronic means, and the method of exercising voting rights should be specified in the notice of the meeting. However, for companies that have publicly issued shares, if they meet the conditions set by the securities regulatory authority based on the company’s scale, number of shareholders, structure, and other necessary circumstances, electronic voting should be included as one of the methods for exercising voting rights.

Q: Is it accessible for each shareholder to exercise their voting rights?
A: Shareholders do not have voting rights if they fall into any of the following circumstances:
  1. Shares owned by the company itself in accordance with the law.
  2. A subsidiary company that holds more than half of the total number of issued shares with voting rights or the total capital amount and holds shares in the controlling company.
  3. Another company where the controlling company and its subsidiaries directly and indirectly hold a combined total of more than half of the issued shares with voting rights or the total capital amount and holds shares in the controlling company and its subsidiaries.




