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Corporate Service - Taiwan


Regulations for Registering Employees in Labor Insurance in Taiwan

Do employees of branches (factories) need to have additional insurance reported by the head office, or can the branches (factories) handle additional insurance reporting on their own?
If there is a confirmed hierarchical relationship between the head office and the branches (factories), and they each possess registration certificates issued by the competent authorities for their business purpose, then those branches (factories) can independently establish insurance units to handle additional insurance. If the branches (factories) have not established independent labor insurance units, then the head office can manage the additional insurance for such personnel centrally.

After the responsible person in Taiwan starts receiving old-age benefits, is it necessary to change the responsible person?
After the responsible person starts receiving old-age benefits, if they continue to be the responsible person for the company, there is no need to process a change of responsible person. However, if the responsible person registered with the company has changed, it is necessary to handle the change of responsible person procedures with the Labor Insurance Bureau.

How should employers in Taiwan handle the procedures for employee enrollment and withdrawal from insurance? Should employees still be enrolled in insurance during their probation period?
  1. According to the regulations of the Bureau of Labor Insurance, employers must fill out and submit the insurance enrollment or withdrawal forms to the Bureau of Labor Insurance on the day employees join or leave the company. The effectiveness of the insurance insurance starts from midnight on the day the insurance enrollment form is submitted to the Bureau of Labor Insurance or postmarked; the insurance ends at 24:00 on the day the insurance withdrawal form is submitted to the Bureau of Labor Insurance or postmarked. The date of mailing is determined by the postmark of the originating post office.
  2. The is no provision in the Labor Insurance Act that exempts employees from insurance during their probation period, so employees on probation must still enroll in insurance on the day they start their employment.

If a worker in Taiwan is currently unemployed, can they obtain additional insurance through a professional union?
A: No. Labor insurance is employment insurance, and you must be actively employed to enroll. According to the regulation, if you are currently unemployed, you are not eligible to participate in labor insurance. Please apply for labor insurance through the relevant insurance unit when you are employed again in the future. As for workers who are self-employed or who work without a fixed employer and sustain themselves through their earnings, they can obtain additional insurance through their perspective professional unions.

Can a worker in Taiwan who is over 65 years old still enroll in labor insurance?
A: According to the regulations, a worker cannot enroll in labor insurance for the first time if they are over 65 years old. However, insured individuals who were enrolled in labor insurance before turning 65 and have not claimed old-age benefits can be re-enrolled by their insurance unit if they resume work after reaching 65 years old.




