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China Expands Pilot Opening-up in Medical Sector

Time:   30.09.2024
China Expands Pilot Opening-up in Medical Sector

The Ministry of Commerce, National Health Commission and National Medical Products Administration of the PRC jointly released a circular on 7 September 2024, announcing the expansion of pilot program for opening up in medical sector. The main contents of the circular are as follows:

  1. Biotechnology

    Foreign invested enterprises are allowed to engage in the development and application of human stem cell, gene diagnosis and treatment technologies for product registration, listing, and production within the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, and Hainan Free Trade Port. All products that have been registered, listed, and approved for production can be used nationwide.

  2. Wholly Foreign Owned Hospital

    Allow the establishment of wholly foreign owned hospitals in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and the entire island of Hainan, except for traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and excluding the acquisition of existing public hospitals.

    The specific conditions, requirements, and procedures for establishing a wholly foreign owned hospital will be stipulated and announced separately.

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