Common FAQ for Oversea Companies 5
Q: |
Is a physical address required as the establishment of a company in USA? |
A: |
A physical address is not required as the establishment of a company in USA, but which may be requested in the application of a bank account by each bank’s resolution in USA. |
Q: |
What is the difference of LLC and C Corp? |
A: |
Q: |
Is it possible to establish a S corporation for foreign enterprises? |
A: |
No, it isn’t. The S corporation is only accessible for USA citizen or immigrant with a green card. |
Q: |
When to declare the income tax for companies in USA yearly? |
A: |
It is dependent on each state. Most of the companies declare the income tax on 15th March (Limited Company) or 15th April (Limited Company by Shares) or earlier. |
Q: |
Is it required the shareholder or director to be the identity of USA citizen for companies in USA? |
A: |
It is not specifically required that the shareholder or director of a company in USA shall the local citizen. |