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Corporate Service - Other Jurisdictions


Q&A on Loan to Directors of Malaysia Companies

Q: Can a company provide loan to its directors?
A: Typically, a company is not allowed to lend money to a director of the company or any related company. Additionally, the company shall not provide any guarantees or security in connection for a loan taken out by such a director from another party.

Q: Under what exceptional circumstances can a company provide loan to its directors?
  1. The company is an exempt private company;
  2. The loan is meant to cover expenses related to company business;
  3. The loan is provided to a full time director for the purpose of purchasing a home; or
  4. A resolution has been passed to approve a scheme for providing loans to full time directors.

Q: Under what conditions can a company be classified as an exempt private company?
  1. It does not have any corporate shareholder; and
  2. Has no more than 20 members.

Q: Under what exceptional circumstances can a company provide loan to persons connected with directors?
  1. When the loan is provided, or a guarantee or security is given, in connection with a loan to a subsidiary, a holding company, or a subsidiary of the holding company;
  2. When the company whose main business includes the lending of money or issuing of guarantees for loans made by others; or
  3. When the loan is given to an individual connected with a full time director of the company or its related corporation, for the purpose
    covering costs related to purchasing or acquiring a home; or
    in accordance with an employee loan scheme approved by the company.

Q: How can we determine if a person is connected to a director?
  1. A family member of the director;
  2. A corporate entity associated with the director;
  3. A trustee of any trust, where the director or a family member of the director is a beneficiary; or
  4. A partner of the director or a partner of an individual connected to the director.




