Taiwan Company- Business Address Pre-check
Q: |
Is the processing fees required for the business address online pre-check? |
A: |
No, it isn’t.
Q: |
Is there any maximum number of applications for business address pre-check? |
A: |
The same applicant, address, and e-mail is not allowed to submit more than 3 applications per day. |
Q: |
How to select the business items if the items are more than 5 to pre-check? |
A: |
It is suggested to proceed the pre-check with the most suitable 5 items for the company. |
Q: |
Is it available for business address pre-check in Taipei City solely? |
A: |
Yes, the other addresses shall be dependent on each districts’ policies. |
Q: |
Is it still available to submit the application though fax, counter, or mail? |
A: |
No, the application is only acceptable to submit by online platform. |