主頁  關於啓源    客戶評論




Henisha, I just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you for all your hard work on the Wagas International Advisors (HK) Limited restoration project. Your dedication and attention to detail have been absolutely invaluable, and I genuinely appreciate everything you've done to make this a success.

It's always a pleasure working with you, and I'm looking forward to collaborating on future projects.  Many thanks again!

Henisha女士, 我想藉此感謝你為我們公司 Wagas International Advisors (HK) Limited 恢復註冊項目所做的努力表示感謝。您的奉獻精神和對細節的關注實在無可替代,我真心感激您為確保這個項目成功所做的一切。


Johnathan Partouche, 主席
Wagas International Advisors (HK) Limited, 香港
Kaizen registered and administrated six of our international companies in Hong Kong over 22 years, and we recommended it to numerous other clients. Their services were not only immaculate, but highly adaptive and flexible according to our needs. We had various complicated issues in different countries, and Kaizen solved them all by creative and sensitive means. The services have always been personal, and in this regard we are especially obliged to our liaison, Ms. Henisha Shah, who went out of her way with great creativity to successfully deal with out sometimes rather unusual needs. We saw Kaizen growing over the years as they deserve by professionalism and, equally important, caring for their clients.


Hans R. Balzer博士, 公司執行長
Pristine Nutrition Limited, Hong Kong
Baron Trade and Finance Limited, Hong Kong
It has always been a pleasure to work with Ms. Henisha. The quality of support and services has been exceptional, with all matters promptly handled with swift response. Thank you again for your cooperation.


Mr. Manish Garg, 公司擁有人
Indev Asia Limited, Hong Kong
Thank you very much for all the hard work and assistance you have done to let Pilates Onboard successfully setup in Fukuoka. Our team is pleased with the good communication between you and also the Japan team to solve all the government required issues about the business start up and the VISA process.

We appreciated everything, especially your support on previously taxation login number issues. Will definitely introduce you to others in case we have friends who want to start up business in the future.

非常感謝您提供的協助和服務,讓 Pilates Onboard 成功在福岡成立。我們的團隊對於您和日本團隊之間的良好溝通感到非常滿意,有效地解決了所有關於開業和簽證程序的政府相關事宜。

我們非常感謝你們所提供的一切服務,特別是協助解決稅務相關登錄號碼的問題。如日後有相熟人仕有興趣於日本成立公司, 我們一定會介紹您們給他。

Clive Law, Director

Thank you very much for your excellent service. I would also like express my gratitude to Renee for her unparalleled project management skills, I believe she is definitely a valuable asset to your company.


Aidan Pan, Director
WeWatch Limited, Hong Kong

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my gratitude for the outstanding service you have provided. Your dedication, professionalism, and attention to detail have truly made a significant impact. From the moment we began our collaboration, it was evident that your commitment to excellence is unmatched. Your team’s responsiveness and willingness to go above and beyond have greatly contributed to the success of our project.

Thank you for your exceptional service and for being a trusted partner. I look forward to continuing our successful collaboration in the future.



Kevin Fong, Group Financial Controller
Grown Up Group, Hong Kong

I’m glad to introduce you that working with Kaizencpa and Mrs. Yuki Li specifically, means complete customer delight as they have a very professional and kind team. I contacted Kaizencpa for my client’s trademark applications in China. In the meanwhile, we were informed that there’s a trademark squatter registered my client’s trademarks in bad faith. Knowing this, Mrs. Yuki Li handled the process very successfully since she was very attentive and responsive while she also informed us kindly about every step of it. I’m pleased to work with Kaizencpa since I had the chance to work with a professional team and such people.

我很樂意向你推介與啓源會計師事務所和Yuki Li女士的合作,因為他們有一個非常專業和親切的團隊,整個合作過程着實能令客戶需求得到充分的滿足,且能夠獲得完全令人滿意的服務體驗。我在為我的客戶處理中國的商標申請事務時聯繫了啓源會計師事務所。在諮詢過程中,我們被告知有一個商標搶注者惡意註冊了我客戶的商標。當Yuki Li女士了解到這一情況後,她非常細心且反應迅速,同時她還親切地告訴我們每一步的情況,非常順利地協助我們完成處理了這一事項。我很高興能夠與啓源會計師事務所進行合作,令我有機會獲得來自專業團隊及如此良好的服務。

Ayşe Begüm Türker
Executive Attorney, Özbey Law Firm
Kaizen provides a wide range of high-level professional services to us. With special thanks to the Business Development Manageress - Miss Renee Chan, for the provision of assured speedy response and attentive services.


Mr. Eric Ho
Finance Manager, Q P Group Holdings Limited

Ms. Sherry Zhao
DBS Bank, Beijing Branch

自從2007年加入ASG後開始和啓源中國的同事們合作, 一晃已經13年了。 雖然啓源的員工換了幾批,但年輕的她們一貫認真負責有效的工作態度,專業度以及永遠把客戶放在第一位的理念讓ASG 做為客戶之一非常滿意, 我們的合作也一直很愉快... 今後無論市場如何變換,希望啓源越做越好,也祝福啓源的中國同事們永遠保持一顆年輕熱情的心!

Ms. Maria Guo
ASG, China

I am satisfied with Kaizen’s service so far.

Ms. Renee Chan have been very responsive and are able to direct me to the right person (i.e. your specialist team in various regions in China) if you are not the subject-matter expert. I will continue to use Kaizen in the future should any need arise.


Renee Chan女士的反應非常迅速,如果她不是這方面的專家,也能引導我去找合適的人(即貴公司在中國各地區的專家團隊)。如果今後有任何需要,我還會繼續使用Kaizen。

Ms. Yvonne KO, Deputy General Manager
Project Finance & Payment Control
New World Development, Listed in Hong Kong

I am pleased to advise you that our WOFE in Shanghai is already fully operating in smooth manner.

Frankly, thank you very much for Ms. Renee Chan efforts since first time I contacted you for setting up an office in Shanghai, you and your colleagues doing each work during period are effectiveness and efficiency always, as well as give me a lot of valuable advice I need to pay attention regarding taxation, accounting and human resources of the new company.

In addition, your services provided to me at a time when I have faced with the heavy commitment of business expansion is highly appreciated.  


坦白說,非常感謝Renee Chan女士的努力,自從我第一次聯系你們在上海設立辦事處以來,你們和你們的同事在這期間所做的每一項工作都是有效和高效的,並且在新公司的稅務、會計和人力資源方面給了我很多需要註意的寶貴意見。


Mr. Roy LEUNG, Director
THE STING Sourcing and Productions, Hong Kong
I appreciate the services provided by Kaizen, it is professional and suit our need. Ms. Renee Chan is a pleasant and helpful consultant who shows her profession and patience when we encounter problems and questions by answering them comprehensively. Noted that Kaizen has a great network and support in China, we do trust Kaizen is one of the service providers which we highly recommend.

我很欣賞Kaizen提供的服務,它是專業的,滿足我們所需。Renee Chan女士是一位令人愉快,同時樂於助人的顧問,當我們遇到問題時,她會表現出她的專業和耐心,全面地回答我們的問題。我們註意到Kaizen在中國有一個很好的網絡和技術支援團隊,我們相信Kaizen是我們強烈推薦的服務提供者之一。

Ms. Maggie WU
Assistant Company Secretarial Manager
China Tonghai International, Listed in Hong Kong

Kaizen CPA Limited is a very professional consultant company in providing excellent service and support. They offer a lot of solid and reliable solutions in accounting, finance, taxes, and company registration in many countries. I am impressed by their personnel, especially Ms. Renee Chan, who is always responsible, detailed, patient, and caring to their clients with good communication and interaction. I remembered that I didn't fully understand the difference in tax issue between LLC and C-Corp regarding USA companies; however, Ms. Renee Chan explained the differences to me carefully, I was so touching at that moment.

We appreciate Kaizen's decent work and dedication. If we have other requirements in the future, the number one choice is definitely being KAIZEN. Moreover, we will recommend Kaizen to our friends and partners without any hesitation.  

啓源會計師事務所有限公司是一家非常專業的顧問公司,他們提供優質的服務和支援。他們在會計、財務、稅務和公司註冊等方面提供了很多可靠的解決方案。他們的人員給我留下了深刻的印象,尤其是Renee Chan女士,她總是對客戶負責、細緻、耐心、關心,有良好的溝通和互動。我記得我還不太瞭解LLC和C-Corp在美國公司的稅務問題上的區別時,能夠得到Renee Chan小姐細心地給我講解了這些區別,對此我很感動。


Mr. Jason CHENG, Manager
Zhongke Zixin Technology, Hong Kong
貴司和您 (Renee Chan) 是非常專業的團隊,非常敬業,跟進得也很及時,同時也提供了專業的建議給我。

Mr. Jason, Director
VereVerto (SARL), France

與啓源合作的這段時間非常愉快,也特別感謝啓源的陳副理(Renee Chan)過去3年的專業服務與協助,相信未來集團有其他相關需求也會持續選擇啟源作為合作夥伴。

Mr. Eric YEH, Director
United Biomedical Inc., Listed in Taiwan



Skyfine, Taiwan

Very fast and professional. Really helpful on getting all documents.


Ms. Ivy Wong
HR and Office Manager
This year we celebrate our 10year's anniversary of our brand "SOUL", Kaizen witnessed our brand evolving. WIth the aid of Kaizen's Intellectual Property Rights service we have registered our brand worldwide for more than 20 countries. Made me feel my tasks were in good hands and well maintained and updated. Of course, they offered good advice and made our decisions a lot easier.

I'm glad that we have chosen Kaizen to be our partner and we highly recommended their services.

今年是 "SOUL "品牌成立10周年,Kaizen見證了我們品牌的發展。在Kaizen的知識產權服務的說明下,我們已經在全球20多個國家註冊了我們的品牌。讓我覺得我的工作得到了很好的維護和更新。當然,他們也提供了很好的建議,讓我們的決策更加容易。


Mr. Vincent POW, COO
SOUL, Hong Kong
Kaizen provides comprehensive services from Company Incorporation to Intellectual Property to our company. With their group of professional and qualified consultants, they have always strived to meet our expectations in a timely manner. With these qualities and having worked together for over 10 years, Kaizen remains our first choice till today.


Ms. Jenny LIM
Executive Assistant to CEO
Cranberry, Malaysia

The team is knowledgeable and has shown commitment and professionalism in highlighting the possible consequences as well as providing us constructive opinions with options whenever any issues are raised.

We will continue to have Kaizen on board for our IP matters and certainly will recommend their top notch services.



Ms. Jo-Ann CHANG
Special Assistant to Group CEO
Spritzer, Malaysia


Ms. Michel Chen,Finance Department
Semtech Semiconductor, Listed in USA

Kaizen has been working with us for years, and for variant projects, not only conventional enterprise issues such as license, director replacement, registration and de-registration, but also tax consulting and other CPA services, even some legal supports from your in-house team. You never let me down. The prompt services, the professional supports, the regional covered and the full ranged scopes, what else I could expect from Kaizen, the Trust! Once it’s established based on trust, it’s solid. Kaizen is our first choice whenever we need. Thank you!


Ms. Daphne MA
Director, Legal and Compliance – Asia
Corporate Compliance Attorney
Teledyne Technologies, USA
Teledyne Technologies, Listed in USA

通過和啓源團隊合作,我們體驗到了高素質的精英團隊服務水準,一切以客戶需求為首宗旨。啓源團隊深入了解了我們項目的需求並制定和提供周詳意見書等,特別是Susan Chen,針對我們項目從不同角度提供了專業全面的意見。

Ms. Janny XU, Legal Manager
Nonolive Group, China

通過和啓源團隊合作,我們體驗到了高素質的精英團隊服務水準,一切以客戶需求為首宗旨。啓源團隊深入了解了我們項目的需求並制定和提供周詳意見書等,特別是Susan Chen,針對我們項目從不同角度提供了專業全面的意見。

Ms. Stephanie Jiaxin ZHENG

Ms. Jane DENG, Director
East Environment Energy, Listed in China

Dear Ms Tina, thank you so much for your help and assistance on building up our company and handling our tax in Singapore in the past year. Also, we really appreciated for your professional services in order to help us to success with our business. It was our pleasure to be able to cooperate with such a great company like you. We are deeply looking forward to seeing more and more cooperation with your company in the future.


Mr. Joe K C Choi, Director
Fargos Resources Enterprise, Singapore

Mr. Penny Pan, HR Department
      Fwone Science & Technology, Singapore 


    晏勛 先生
計劃財務部 總經理


劉亞方 律師
我司是初涉入影視文化行業,對於稅務籌劃及公司的企業戰略部署還沒具備完善的體系。有幸,啓源給我們提供一個稅務、審計、人力資源等咨詢服務全方位的平臺。特別感謝SUSAN CHEN,她具有優秀的專業知識和素質,本著“客戶之事無小事”服務態度,為我們提供高質量的稅務服務,積極處理我們的問題。

啓源,是值得信賴的顧問公司!SUSAN CHEN,更是值得信賴的合作夥伴!

戴翔 先生  總經理
TIANPENG Group, China

Tin, Sandy, Amanda, Susan and the entire Kaizen team have been instrumental in helping us run our WFOE in China.  Like clockwork, they ensure we are on top of all filings, and make sure everything is completed correctly and on time.  They have earned our trust, and are always available to assist in answering any questions.  I highly recommend them, and am grateful for all of their expertise, attention and support.  

Tin, Sandy, Amanda, Susan以及整個啟源團隊在協助我們運營中國子公司方面發揮著重要的作用。她們像上了發條一樣勤勉,確保我們所有的申報準確及時完成,並隨時隨地地幫我們答疑解惑。她們值得信賴,我強烈推薦她們,並感她們一直以來為我們提供專業的服務,以及對我們的關註和支持。

Mr. Dan LONG, General Manager
Dragon Innovation, Listed in USA
Listed in NASDAQ

"The service of your company is very good, and our company is very satisfied with the service your good company provided to us, thank you!
Wish you and everyone at Kaizen a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival"

貴公司的服務非常好,本司對貴司提供的服務非常滿意,謝謝!祝您(Tin ZHONG)和啟源的所有人中秋節快樂!

Ms. Vivian PAN  
Finance Department
    Alpert Group, USA

Susan, Tin, Sandy, Timy, Tommy and the entire Kaizen team have been instrumental in helping us run our WFOE in China. Like clockwork, they ensure we are on top of all filings, and make sure everything is completed correctly and on time. Kaizen have been constantly monitor closely and update China’s government new Policies for Shenzhen Enterprises. They have earned our trust, and are always available to assist in answering any questions. I am highly recommend them, and am grateful for all of their expertise, attention and support given.  

Susan, Tin, Sandy, Timy, Tommy以及整個啟源團隊在協助我們運營中國子公司方面發揮著重要的作用。他們像上了發條一樣勤勉,確保我們所有的申報準確及時完成。啟源持續並積極關註與深圳企業相關的中國政府最新政策,隨時隨地地幫我們答疑解惑。他們值得信賴,我強烈推薦他們,並感謝他們一直以來為我們提供專業的服務,以及對我們的關註和支持。

Cindy ONG,General Manager
Kemet Technology, Singapore

Kaizen is a very professional accounting firm, always providing good value to clients. I have known this firm and used their services since 2011. Kaizen’s service is high quality and reasonably priced. I have truly enjoyed working with them.


Mr. Tom LUAN, Management Partner/Director
Honesta Capital, China


Ms. Moon HU
Administration Manager in China
ATCB Technology, USA

As a European company, we greatly appreciate the cooperation with Kaizen. The competence as well as the fast reaction time has especially found our recognition. We can recommend Kaizen without any restrictions.


Head of Controlling
Wempe, Germany

The team at Kaizen is responsive, knowledgeable and provides the needed help and advice to navigate the complicated business of having a foreign subsidiary in China. It has been a great pleasure working with the team at Kaizen! I highly recommend their services.


Ms. Sheau Min See
Director, Asia Pacific
ST Genetics, USA

一年前,由朋友推薦,我們接洽並選擇了與啓源會計師事務所有限公司合作。這是一家非常專業的咨詢公司,不止為我們在香港註冊的公司提供了快速、專業的服務,同時,也為我們在國內的公司及時分享了一些國內的稅務政策。隨著我司業務的擴大(目前我們在北京、泰國、香港分公司),我們將會跟啓源會有更深的合作。這裏特別感謝Base 在北京office的Smiley Zhang女士及其團隊。

李安柱 先生
Youker Group友客集團, 中國

Your team’s services are quite professional and your responses are timely and responsible. We appreciated your great support for our project. Many Thanks.


Mr. Hao Ying, Legal Counsel
Accenture, China

Ms. Anne XUN, Finance Manager
Bronkhorst, Netherlands


Ms. Sophia, Accounting Manager
Gain Capital, China

CTS has been using Kaizen for more than two years. During this period, Kaizen provided very professional advice and support to our accounting filed. We really appreciate for Kaizen’s efforts and contributors, they response very fast when we need any help from Kaizen especially Amy who is doing an excellent job. We will keeping trust on Kaizen and using their service to grow our China business.

CTS 已經於啓源合作了兩年之久。在此期間,啓源為我司會計領域提供了非常專業的建議和支持。我們也十分感謝對我司的努力以及貢獻。當我們需要啓源的幫助時,他們能積極回復我們的訴求,特別是Amy做的非常好。我們將繼續信任並與啓源合作來發展我們的中國業務。

Ms. Jing Sun, Finance Manager
CTS, China

We, Nixon (Shanghai) Commercial trading Limited, has been appointing Kaizen as our accounting consultant since Dec 2017.  During this period of time, Kaizen shows a high level of competent to classify our accounting entries and ensure our financial statements are prepared in accordance with China Accounting Standards.  Kaizen also communicate on our behalf with local tax authorities and local government bodies to make sure our annual statutory filings are comply with local requirements and the filings are submitted in a timely manner.  Their constructive advices are always valuable to us.  We are highly recommend their service.

我們,Nixon (Shanghai) Commercial trading Limited, 自2017年12月委托啟源為我們提供會計服務。在此期間,啟源確保了會計賬目和財務報表符合中國會計標準的要求,並展現了超高的實力。啟源也代表我司和當地稅務機關溝通,以此確保我司的年度法定維護符合當地要求,並且準時的提交申報。他們的建設性意見總是非常有價值,我們也強烈推薦他們的服務。

Ms. Packy NG, Asia Financial Controller
Nixon, China
Kaizen is a professional company, in the previous years, we keep close relationship with their legal and accounting team. Besides offering professional service to our company, they also give us lots of usefully and professional advices. Thank you Kaizen.


Ms. Lisa
N.F. Smith & Associates, USA
We have been using Kaizen service for more than 9 years and Kaizen has provided very professional service and gone to great lengths to assist us with PRC WOFE. We appreciate Kaizen team and would like to take this opportunity to thank Kaizen for the good services.


Ms. Carmen, Accounts Department
China Tonghai International, Listed in Hong Kong

We are very satisfied about the service of Kaizen, especially about the prompt replies and the effectiveness of their communication. Their expertise and knowledge of the market is very helpful in our processes and decision making.
In addition, we suggest intermediate evaluation of contract if necessary to maintain mutual satisfaction and perception.We consider this short customer evaluation interview is part of that!


Mr Jente Huisman, Managing Director
Live Legends, Netherlands
By far, working with Kaizen from getting to understand how accounting in China works till quotation till we really start using Kaizen services today, I would like to say that Kaizen is very professional, patient and well service. Kaizan make us understand each of every steps of what’s happening, well knowledge and very responsible in each and every transactions.


Mr. Kenny LIM, COO
Hinlim, Malaysia

Kaizen China has provided Construction Specialties with excellent accounting and business services. The Kaizen team is highly professional, immediately responds to our needs, and provides our business with highly valuable guidance to help us be successful in China. I would highly recommend their services to any international business trying to navigate China’s complex business and accounting environment. 


Mr. William HALLOCK
VP of International Operation
CS Group, USA
I am a Canadian expat, run a consulting practice based in Canada and Hong Kong.  I am also employed by an advisory firm as Head of Customer Success in Hong Kong.  I required the services of Rowell Santiago and the team at Kaizen CPA to guide me through Hong Kong tax regulations and tax minimization.  On top of that, my employer was relocating me to Kuala Lumpur from Hong Kong at the end of the year.  Rowell and Kaizen were able to advise on my unique international tax situation.  They looked backwards and forwards and prepared my income tax filing with sound advice, and completed my tax work.  Their experience really showed: my taxes were filed on time without penalties.  But that’s not all.  After I relocated to Kuala Lumpur, I found that now I had no way to pay IRD my taxes due because I was out of the country and did not have my e-check/tax account set up.  IRD was too slow to respond to my inquiry because of the novel coronavirus scare, and now I was at risk of paying late and faced a stiff 5% late penalty.  Within a day of calling Kaizen for suggestions,  and two days before my taxes were due, Kaizen’s team offered to accept my income tax payment to their business account and paid IRD on my behalf.  Now that’s incredible service: above and beyond the call of duty.  I let out a huge sigh of relief.

Rowell, you have one delighted customer.

Thanks so much Rowell and to the whole Kaizen team.  I highly recommend you and your team, and look forward to continuing to have you as my trusted HK Tax and Accounting advisory firm for years to come.”

我是在加拿大和香港經營諮詢業務的加拿大僑民,並受雇於一家諮詢公司在香港擔任客戶服務主管。我要求啓源會計師事務所團隊及Rowell Santiago指導我有關香港的稅收法規和如何減低稅項的服務。最重要的是,我的僱主在年底將我從工作地點從香港搬往吉隆坡。啓源團隊和Rowell能夠就我個人的國際稅收情況提供了相關的建議。他們前瞻後顧的審視了我的情況,然後提供了合理的建議並為我準備所得稅申報表,以完成了我的稅務申報。他們的經驗使我的稅務申報能按時提交,無需罰款。但這還不是全部,在搬到吉隆坡後,由於我已不在香港,也沒有開設電子支票/稅款帳戶,所以無法支付稅款。由於出現新冠狀病毒的情況,香港稅務局對我的查詢反應非常緩慢,可能會使我遲交稅款並需多支付5%的遲交罰款。在與啓源團隊通話後,在我應繳稅款的限期前兩天,啓源團隊主動提出可以接受我將所得稅款支付到他們的企業帳戶,並代我向香港稅務局支付稅款。這是令人難以置信的服務,超越他們職責範圍,讓我松了一口氣。



Mr. Al Leong, MBA
Head of Customer Success
QRC Group, Hong Kong

Dear Respected business leaders,

We would like to take this opportunity to explain our views about "Kaizen services" now.

We are from SUNTECH INDUSTRIAL (Asia) limited, We started our Hong Kong office thro' Kaizen since 2008 October. From that day, we really felt warm services and modest way of communications for any of issues handled by "Kaizen".

We truly appreciate Kaizen team and their dedication .

All the best to Kaizen, we sure that, Kaizen and our company relationship should go long way with mutual understanding.



我們是Suntech Industrial (Asia) Limited,我們從2008年10月開始通過啓源成立香港辦事處。從那天起,對於啓源協助我們處理的問題上,我們確實感到他們熱情的服務和謙虛。


In 2007 we decided to chose the Kaizen services to set up companies in Asia. The only thing what we knew has been that we know nothing! No idea how to overcome bureaucratic issues, no idea whom to contact, no idea about left and right, up and down. The Kaizen teams of Hongkong and Shanghai - I highlight the name of Ms. Tina Tong, Kaizen Shanghai in this context- took us "lost kids in the dark" by their professional, experienced and always up-to-date hands. Tina guided and guides us smoothly, safe and competent through the accordant threats and dangers of the -for us- unknown fields of business set-up in Asia.

We must have had a lucky day when we met Kaizen. Without any exception promises have been kept, statements have been binding and fundamental, actions been triggered on time and perfectly. Even the smallest issues have been handled absolute professional and that in combination with high-speed.

If you need a servicing partner to do business set-up in the region there is only one name, Kaizen Corporate Services Limited!

在2007年,我們決定選擇啓源協助我們在亞洲設立公司。當時的我們對這方面是一無所知!不知道如何克服官僚主義的問題,不知道與誰聯繫,完全沒有方向。香港和上海的啓源團隊,特別是上海啓源的Tina Tong小姐,通過他們專業、豐富的經驗且及與時並進的服務,幫助了我們這些“迷失的孩子”。Tina能夠引導我們順利、安全及有能力地應對了在亞洲未知的業務領域上對我們的威脅和危險。



Mr. Marcus Breulmann, Ms. Daniela Steinmetz
Addval Limited, Germany

MVR INTERNATIONAL has been using Kaizen’s service for over 2 years and a half now and they proved to be responsive, competent and were also able to give us good advice. It’s good to feel supported by a company like Kaizen when you are a foreign company investing in another country. Would highly recommend their service.

MVR INTERNATIONAL已經使用啓源的服務已有兩年半了,事實證明他們反應迅速、稱職,並且能夠為我們提供最好的建議。當您是一家外國公司需要在另一個國家投資時,會很高興得到像啓源這樣的公司的支持。強烈推薦他們的服務。

Mr. D. Penhard
MVR International, USA

Kaizen Certified Public Accountants Limited is a very professional consulting firm that helps a lot in setting up business in HK and in mainland China. 

I have set up two HK limited companies and one full subsidiary across the border via Kaizen. In testing the unknown water in China Kaizen has provided very satisfactory professional assistance and been utmost helpful in almost every aspect. Both teams in HK and in Shenzhen are excellent to work with. Thanks to their out-standing performance in business consultation all the procedures and red tapes and complication in doing business in China have been well monitored. I hereby want to give my thanks specifically to Ms. Susan Chen, Kaizen’s team leader in Shenzhen, whom has demonstrated full understanding, professional concern as well as patience, and the latest is one of the very much needed virtues in a business environment in today’s China. 

I am glad that I have chosen Kaizen to be my partner to start up my business in HK and China, and won't hesitate one minute to recommend this company to anyone who wants to be serious in doing business in the region. Thanks, Benjamin; thanks, Tammy, and many thanks, Susan!


我通過啓源設立了兩家香港有限公司和一家全資子公司。當我在未知的情況下在中國投資,啓源提供了非常令人滿意的專業協助,並且幾乎在各個方面都提供了最大的幫助。啓源在香港和深圳的兩個團隊都很擅長合作。由於他們在商務諮詢方面的傑出表現,在中國開展業務的繁瑣工作都受到了良好的管理。在此,我要特別感謝啓源深圳團隊的負責人Susan Chen小姐,她表現出對工作有充分的理解、專業和耐心,而最後一點是當今中國商業環境中非常需要的優點之一。


Mr. Chris van Heyden, Director
Brussels, Belgium




