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コーポレート - シンガポール


Phase 2 of Singapore’s reopening

Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MTI) announced on 15 Jun 2020 that Singapore will move into Phase Two after 18 June 2020. Apart from a short list of exceptions, Phase 2 will entail the resumption of most activities, including the reopening of retail establishments and lifestyle-related services. To ensure COVID-safe workplaces, employers should take care of your workers, your workplaces and those who may become unwell at your workplace.

How to take care of your workers?
Working from home must be default mode of working (including companies resuming operations in Phases One and Two).
2. Employees who unable to work from home, employers should stagger work and break hours, and implement shift or split team arrangements.
3. There should be no cross-deployment or interaction between employees in different shifts, teams or worksites, even outside of work. If cross-deployment cannot be avoided (e.g. due to the nature of the job), additional safeguards must be taken to minimise the risk of cross infection.
4. Wear masks and other necessary personal protective equipment at the workplace and observe good personal hygiene. Employees should keep their masks on at all times except when eating.

How to take care of the workplace?
Use the SafeEntry visitor management system to record all personnel (including employees, vendors and visitors) entering the workplace.
2. Retail establishments are encouraged to reduce the number of employees onsite, including third party suppliers and merchandisers, particularly for smaller premises, in order to allow for safe distancing. Where physical interaction cannot be avoided, precautions should be taken to ensure clear physical spacing of at least one metre between all personnel at all times, including at common areas and during break/meal times.
3. Step up cleaning of workplace premises and provide cleaning and disinfecting agents like soap and sanitisers at common areas and to frontline personnel.
How to take care of workers who become unwell at the workplace?
Ensure regular checks for temperature and respiratory symptoms for all onsite employees and visitors (e.g. vendors and contractors), twice daily, or where relevant. Employers must be able to demonstrate that these checks are in place during inspections.

How to implement a system of Safe Management Measures?
Employers must establish a system to implement Safe Management Measures to provide a safe working environment and minimise risks of COVID-19 outbreaks. These measures must be implemented in a sustainable manner for as long as necessary.

Implement a detailed monitoring plan to ensure compliance with Safe Management Measures and timely resolution of outstanding issues.
2. Appoint Safe Management Officers (SMO) to assist in the implementation, coordination and monitoring of the system of Safe Management Measures at the workplace. Employers must provide appointed SMOs with adequate instruction, information and supervision as is necessary for them to fulfil their required duties.

What should we do to play a part to achieve a COVID-Safe Singapore?
There will be more new community cases as activities resume. Everyone needs to exercise caution:

Be socially responsible;
2. Practise good personal hygiene;
3. Ensure safe distancing and adhere to safe management principles;
4. Use SafeEntry to check in and out when required, download and install the Trace Together App;
5. Keep number of contacts small and limited to your regular circle of close contacts, to protect yourself and your families;
6. Seniors, who are especially vulnerable, should continue to exercise extra caution and stay at home as much as possible.




