主页   知识库  新加坡  新加坡公司注册  分支机构与代表办事处   Representative Office in Singapore 



Representative Office in Singapore

A foreign company may establish a representative office in Singapore to undertake promotional and liaison activities on behalf of its parent company. The office, however, directly or on behalf of its parent company, must not be engaged in business, conclude contracts, provide consultancy for a fee, undertake transshipment of goods, or open or negotiate any letters of credit.

Foreign companies keen on exploring the viability of doing business in Singapore, or interested in using Singapore as a launching pad into the Asia Pacific, may wish to set up a Representative Office (RO).

Registration of an RO should be considered when a foreign company wants to test the business environment in Singapore before making investment decisions.

However foreign companies should be aware that incorporation of legal corporate entities with the ACRA (Registrar of Companies) will be necessary to maintain theirs operations in Singapore in the long term.


如果您需要进一步的资讯或协助,烦请您浏览本所的官方网站 www.kaizencpa.com  或通过下列方式与本所联系:
电邮: info@kaizencpa.com
电话: +852 2341 1444
手提电话:+852 5616 4140, +86 152 1943 4614
WhatsApp, Line 和微信: +852 5616 4140
Skype: kaizencpa

启源办事处: 香港 - 深圳 - 上海 - 北京 - 新加坡 - 台北 - 纽约 - 伦敦 - 东京 - 吉隆坡




